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  • Writer's pictureDipanwita Sarker

Baked Mango Pudding

In our last two years of staying in Melbourne, Himel and I both came to understand that here we have very few occasions and festivals which we can enjoy and it is really depressing at times. The strange thing is, the occasions or festivals which we used to celebrate in our hometown since our childhood now sometimes we would come to know about them by only seeing the pictures of celebration posted by my friends or family members in the social media. So when we were going through the lockdown period in last year far away from our friends and family, we decided we would try to celebrate every festivals or occasions to cheer ourselves up. Last week it was valentines day. Though all these years we never had celebrated valentines day, this time I have decided to celebrate it and make some nice foods. But somehow I caught up with other work and couldn't plan properly. In the valentines day morning I was feeling so stupid and was banging my head like, "Oh Dipa! you should have plan at least something" and at the last moment I decided to make this "Baked Mango Pudding". This "Baked Mango Pudding" actually a recipe from Rabindranath Tagore's home and it was in my to-make list for a long time. So what will be the better day than valentines day to make this sweet scrumptious "Baked Mango Pudding", the recipe from the home of the great poet Rabindanath Tagore, who enrich and proud every Bengalis with all his creations and we all bongs learned about love by listening his amazing compositions on love.

So today I am presenting you the recipe of "Baked Mango Pudding" from my kitchen.


  • Adjust the sugar in the recipe according the sweetness of the mangoes you use.

  • To enhance the mango flavour you can add 2-3 drops of mango essence to the batter.

Baked Mango Pudding:

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes (depends on oven settings)

Servings: 6-8


  • 1.5 cup (300g) Mango Puree

  • 200g cottage cheese or paneer

  • 1.5 tbsp all purpose flour

  • 3 eggs (medium size, kept in room temperature)

  • 75 g unsalted butter (soften at room temperature)

  • 125 g sugar (adjust according to the sweetness of the mango)

  • flaked almond (for garnishing)

  • Diced mango pieces (for garnishing)

  • Butter for greasing the ramekin or pudding mold


  • Pre-heat the oven at 180°C.

  • Take the cottage cheese in a bowl and mashed well.

  • Add the sugar and all purpose flour to the bowl and mix it well until a dough like consistency formed. Set aside.

  • Take the soften butter in another mixing bowl. Whisk it until the butter become pale and light. Add one egg at a time and mix well.

  • Now add the cottage cheese mixture in the batter and give it a good mix.

  • Finally add the mango puree to the batter and fold it gently until well combined.

  • Grease the ramekin or pudding mold with the butter. Pour over the batter into it till they are about 2/3rds full

  • Bake it for 25-30 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the middle of the pudding, comes out clean and the edges starts to become dark.

  • Take out the pudding mold from the oven, cool it in room temperature then chill them in the refrigerator.

  • Add the flaked almond and diced mango pieces before serving. serve it chill.

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